Discover 6 Reasons Church of Christ in Forest Hill is for you!

Have you ever felt lost, like you’re not sure where you’re going or when you’ll get there? It’s a little like that family vacation when Dad forgot the roadmap…and wouldn’t stop to ask for directions. 


Lost, frustrated, confused, or just looking—if that’s you, then there are 6 reasons why Church of Christ in Forest Hill is for you!





Life-Changing Messages

We don’t have all the answers—we have the map! The Bible is God’s manual for our lives, not just what we should do, but also what we need to know. Because God’s Word is so vital for all of life, it is the centerpiece of worship and life here at the Church of Christ in Forest Hill. The messages you hear will be meaningful, relevant, and always Biblical.



A Friendly Family

Our church is a family of friends. We value authentic friendships and meaningful relationships. If you feel disconnected and alone, you will find friendly people here. You’ll make new friendships and feel comfortable with us. Discover a group of people who will love you, accept you, and appreciate you regardless of who you are.



Meaningful Worship

Our worship is a vibrant, important response to our awesome God. Here you will find that worship is spent bringing glory to God. We believe you will enjoy our worship in a nonthreatening and friendly environment where you can learn more about God and grow to have a close relationship with Him.

Growth Through God’s Word

Our congregation meets to offer support and to study the Bible. The teaching is personal and you will feel comfortable asking questions and getting involved. You will develop friendships in your bible

classes. The Bible will become real to you as we journey through its truth, learning what God has for each of us.




Everyone is alive for a reason. At the Church of Christ in Forest Hill you will discover that you can be a part of our team. You can be involved in vital aspects of our various ministries. You will see your life transformed, and you will find fulfillment as you begin to carry out the purpose for which you were

put on this earth.




Have you ever felt like there is no hope or help? You will find both help and hope at the Church of Christ in Forest Hill. Our congregation is a place where you can feel comfortable and know that you have found people who care. We spend time praying for our family and friends and supporting one another. Come, be a part of our family and learn of the hope that only God can give.






What Makes Us Different?

  • Warm, friendly atmosphere
  • Bible studies for all ages and stages in faith
  • Direct, practical preaching
  • Emphasis on Biblical truth
  • Reverent, God-focused services
  • Emphasis on building strong families


What should I wear?

You will find a wide range of attire in our congregation, from comfortably casual to dress clothes. Our motto is “a place to belong”, so come as you feel comfortable. We are a congregation of all ages.




How often do you take Communion?

Weekly! There is an opportunity to take communion during morning and evening worship every Sunday.

We ask that only those who profess a personal faith in Jesus Christ participate in this holy sacrament. 






What about my children?

We delight in the energy and joy that children bring.  We also understand our responsibility and charge to teach children about God’s love, His will and His way.


Sunday School: Every Sunday from 8:45 am – 9:45 am for all children and teens.  

Sunday Children’s Worship:  Every 4th Sunday for ages 3 through 6th grade.

Wednesday Bible Class:  Every Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. for all children and teens.







How do I get connected?

At Forest Hill, there are many ways to connect.  You will be able to make those connections through pulpit announcements, informational tables set up after worship services, social media, website announcements page, and in the Sunday Bulletin.  The website also provides detailed information on how to get connected




What else?

We find joy in singing a capella music (music not accompanied by musical instruments).


We believe in water baptism for the remission of sins.


We work diligently to study God’s Word and “rightly divide God’s Word” (correctly understand God’s Word in context).


We endeavor to “speak where the bible speaks and be silent where the bible is silent.” 


We are a body of believers, trying to do good to while on earth and striving to make heaven our eternal home.




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